Brand Development
I collaborated with the media team of Re•Coded student ministries to help come up with the initial logo design. My designs were able to help the lead graphic designer to come up with a the official logo design for Re•Coded.
Social Media Manager
As the social media manager for ReCoded’s instagram account, I was responsible for scheduled postings, creating monthly graphics, videos and flyers that can be posted onto the main page and stories. Alongside of curating how they should look once posted.
Graphics intended for Instagram stories for the months of June/July 2019 themes titled “Traphouse”.
Brand Gear
Client wanted to create luggage tags that could be use to help identify student’s luggages during youth retreats.
Deciding to keep the design simple, I included Re•Coded’s “R” on the front side of the tag and the church’s information on the back.
front side of the luggage tag
back side of the luggage tage
Paid AD Campaign
Worked with the youth minister to tailor in keywords when advertising events at the church. Target demographic are 13-18 year old students attending the local middle and high school located in Baltimore, MD. Goal was to get more clicks onto the ReCoded instagram account.